Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The Long Drive Exmouth to Coral Bay

Nov 21
Left Neds Camp went into Exmouth to wash my sheets, towels and many other items.
Food shopping, fresh bread and what a price a decent loaf of bread is £3.20 at todays exchange rate and that wasn’t a large one, Diesel, Petrol, water and not forgetting the internet.
I went to have a look at Shothole Canyon a rather lovely drive to the end, unfortunately I did not have time to go and explore 

Shothole Canyon

Shothole Canyon

Shothole Canyon with Plod in the back ground

Then I had to go to the look out up Charles Knife Rd another good drive up and down some steep hills Plod got a little hot and made me wait for a while so he could cool down properly didn’t help having my diesel can mounted on the front although the day was rather on the hot side. 

Charles Knife Rd

Charles Knife Rd
Charles Knife Rd

My favorite drive was the Canyon by this time I had to find  a lay-by to park up for the night out of range of the N.P area as the authority’s are rather strict about night parking and I was not going to take a risk of being fined.
Nov 22.
I made my way to Coral Bay arrived early parked up and who do you think saw me arrive it was Carl, invited me in for a coffee with Michael staying at the Ningaloo Reef Resort Hotel.
I went snorkelling and the sea was like a still pond although the coral and the fishes were not a patch on Cape Range N.P. Saw some more people that had visited Neds Camp so the time just flew. I cooked up my veggies for lunch and reorganized my freezer.

Coral Bay and Plod

Coral Bay Ningaloo Reef Resort

Coral Bay

Coral Bay Glass bottom boats
Coral Bay with sun shelter's on the beach

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