I left after I had down loaded my Blog which was after lunch as I only had 130 km to do for my next anticipated night stop. The road was a dirt road but in excellent condition so I could travel fast if I needed to.
I came across a smashed up car stopped to take a photo and then went on my way I hadn't gone that far when I noticed my battery was not charging, a very big bother, I stopped and checked under the bonnet. Was that Toyota High Ace wreck I passed the same as mine? I drove back to have a look no such luck it was completely different probably just as well anyway at least it satisfied my curiosity. Time was passing rather quickly so foot to the floor with no more stopping I made my night stop just before sunset. Put the generator on to keep the battery charged up and the fridge freezer cold. I put in my spare 20 litre of diesel only 120 km more to do before I reach civilisation.
I am just hopping I only need new brushes.
I had a phone call to day from Phil Moore a Morgan man who lives in Busselton unfortunately I am too far away to pop round.
I set off early to get to Norseman to see if I could get a new brush set for my Alternator and perhaps a regulator as well. The alternator was charging all the way to Norseman. I called in to the only garage in Norseman and what luck the mechanics were extremely helpful, the mechanic said I will just see what it is doing and it was charging well. We had a discussion not mentioning I was a mechanic and I decided to buy a set of new brushes and a new regulator. I ended up buying a new alternator but unfortunately he had no regulator.
I filled up with fuel air and water, went in to the tourist information center they were quite helpful at least it was open which make’s a change. A spot of food shopping and on my way again. I had not gone that far when that little red light came on again not charging, I plodded on to my next port of call, I just had to call in to have a look at Fraser Ranch Camping site as a few people had told me I must go and stay there. It was fair to middling as far as the caravan spots were located not much shade and too expensive for one also too early for me to stop and camp and more to the point it had no internet coverage so I plodded on to the 90 mile rest area for the night, putting my generator on. For a car traveller that requires a room the chalets looked in very good shape.
I left for the road at 4.30pm just as it was getting light and not too hot not wanting to switch any auxiliaries on for fear of draining my battery. We had a few drops of rain but not enough to wash the wind screen.
I did a slight detour taking in Madura Pass expecting a parking spot to take in the view I drove along a rough dirt track just about saw a view thinking I could park around the corner then the road turned in to a steep downward drive back on to the high way facing a petrol station I missed the view, too over grown. I parked up and had a walk around then on my way to find a quite little spot for my breakfast / lunch
Putting my generator away I pressed on passing two car wreck’s on the road side at different location’s alas no Toyota High Ace. I plodded along with windows open just about bearing up, with the sun pounding down getting hotter every minute. I reached Eucla a caravan park just before the border and filled up with diesel. I was kindly given 15 litre of water, water is a commodity in these parts.The rain water is collected in big tanks for their own use and of course the paying campers. Only another few km to the border.
South Australian Side, Border Village |
Fortunately there are many picnic spots and parking lay byes along the Nullarbor. No mechanical garages only for fuel and accommodation. I traveled 515 km to day far too much in one day.
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Thank you everyone for all your comments. Its good to keep in touch.
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